A Fraudulently Wild Woman?

All those quotes about being a “wild woman” used to make me feel like a fraud. I desperately wanted to be part of the gang but never believed I really was! And then one day I really thought about what being wild meant to me; and this is what I came up with…

To me, it’s not breaking rules and partying hard. It’s not being a rebel and causing havoc like we are led to believe as children. It’s not drinking or smoking until you’re no longer capable. No, it’s so much more than any of that.

Wild is feeling the wind inside your soul on a stormy day, and knowing that if you step outside it will become part of you. It will enter your very being and sweep you away and as it does, everything that was consuming you up to that point, all the worry, fears and failures, fall away and you are free to be the eye of the storm.

Wild is closing your eyes and breathing in the night air and knowing that a part of you has just been healed. Feeling the cosmos in your lungs and almost seeing the stardust rush through your veins, filling you with a magic that is only felt by those that allow it to enter them.

Wild is the deep feeling that you have for those that come into your life, and loving them so fiercely that you fear you might burst open if you think about them too hard! It’s loving so hard, and with such ferocity, that you are sure that others can see it seeping from your pores and shining from your eyes! It’s an unstoppable force all of its own and it fills you up with a light that cannot be dimmed.

Wild is facing your fears head on and forcing yourself to be brave even when you are the most terrified you’ve ever been! It’s saying no and meaning it. It’s walking away with certainty when nothing in your life feels anything like certain! It’s speaking out, and showing up, and doing all of the things that make you feel like you’re about to drop off a fucking precipice into the blackest void without a torch, and doing it all with nothing but trust and love in your heart.

Wild is looking at yourself without judgement and criticism. It’s looking at your outer self as if it shows the pure beauty of your inner self and expecting others to do the same. It’s not believing that loving yourself makes you arrogant, or selfish, but that loving yourself is exactly what you should be doing, and doing it with a passion that draws people in to loving you in exactly the same fucking way! It’s not accepting anything less than the very purest love for yourself, and not giving anything but the purest love to others.

Wild is self care levelled up and then some; those bubble baths by candle light, those biscuits under a duvet with your favourite film, those walks in the countryside or trips to the bookshop or whatever the fuck you want it to be! It’s the care that you would bestow on those you adore, but administered, without question, to yourself every damn day!

Wild is believing that we are all made of the same beauty and goodness no matter where we come from, or what our circumstances. It’s about recognising the cosmic magic in each other and wanting to connect that magic in as many ways as possible! It’s about me, and you, and them, and here, and there, and everything and everywhere else, in between!

Wild is understanding that we are here for a finite amount of time and accepting that that’s ok! Because what comes to us is meant for us and we all build our own paths, and those paths lead us to exactly the right people and situations – and all in perfect divine timing! It’s about remembering how small we are at the same time as strategically playing it so fucking big!

Wild is not being afraid of who you are and not turning down your light because those around you might think you’re weird. It’s building, sharing, and teaching the fuck out of everything that you know! It’s believing it and LOVING doing it, all at the same time!

Wild is the wind in my hair, the magic in my veins, the stars in my eyes and love in my heart. Wild is all of those things in me, and in you. It isn’t for everyone, but those who chose to live wildly can see it in all things and there is a beauty in that so profound it is beyond explanation; and there’s nothing fraudulent about that!

6 thoughts on “A Fraudulently Wild Woman?

  1. Yes yes yes!! This totally resonates with me, especially the first paragraphs. I’m not the party girl either; I love your definition of wild – it is so much more full, profound and dynamic. Beautiful writing.

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